This Site Covers The Franchise Development Division Of Cencir, The Consulting Arm Of Asupat, Inc., Holding Company For Vevstad Enterprises.

Vegard Vevstad, a lawyer turned management consultant, board advisor, and serial entrepreneur, and the founder and CEO of Asupat, Inc., has been a franchise consultant since the 1980s. He and his team have helped create over 300 franchise companies, in most every industry, worldwide. In addition, they have trained and supervised franchise consultants in several countries in Europe, North and South America, and Asia.

Cencir Franchise Development also helps many advisory type firms, such as law firms, accounting firms, financial firms, and other consulting firms, establish internal franchise consulting sections that feed into their other practices.


We work remotely with most of our clients. This allows us to provide higher value customized and expedited service at about the same cost as traditional, slower, and lower value cookie-cutter consulting.


Instead, we focus on solving the specific problems of your company, and making your franchise offer that much more unique and valuable. We don't simply give you the tools to multiply your business, but rather help you add the franchise operator's perspective to it. You often hear others talking about a win-win-win situation, where you, the franchise operator, and the ultimate customer all win; but do they really understand what that means? And do they actually challenge you to reevaluate your business when you add the franchise operator into the mix? And not just any franchise operator, but the kind with which you want to be associated? That's where you'll stand out from your competition, and that's how we stand out from ours.


Not all franchise companies want or need to take this type of customization to the extreme. Sometimes the competive environment dictates a certain level of depth and detail. Sometimes your own personal preferences are most important, just like we only take on clients committed to continuous improvement of their franchise program as a means of ensuring success. That's the kind of franchise companies with which we want to be associated. The important part is to start out at the right level of customization.


To summarize, we invite you (click here) to take our Franchise My Business course, download all the templates and checklists you need, and create your own franchise program in a matter of weeks. You may have to allocate some staff time and spend some money with your trusted company attorney. Or, you could instead hire one of the traditional cookie-cutter franchise development firms, an expensive so-called franchise attorney, spend over $100,000 over six months to a year with them, and still allocate the same amount of staff and company attorney resources, for much the same result. Either way, you would end up with a sub-par franchise offer. We certainly could charge you the same $100,000 to do the same for you, but we would rather give you that part and charge you for real problem-solving. We are not saying we charge less; only that you get more value with us, possibly ten times more.